Change is daunting, I get it. Particularly when the people around you aren't supportive or even worse, are critical.
I'm here today to tell you that it's worth it.
Growing up, I was always overweight for my age class. I don't think I ever completely passed the fitness test in school, despite having very active parents who promoted outdoor activitie, and encouraged fruits and vegetables. My "seasonal" allergies (which were supposedly limited to ragweed and dust according to traditional allergy testing) were year round, included a constant supply of new (and piles of used) kleenex tissues, were significant enough to require an inhaler for the asthma component and made physical exercise unenjoyable. Sugar and dairy cravings were 24/7; in high school, my friends would come over for movie night and we would eat pounds of candy or cookies dipped in a whole container of frosting. I always felt uncomfortable; my stomach would hurt, I ate, then I felt worse. Bloating and gas were constant issues, as was acid reflux, all of which left me feeling chronically fatigued and perpetually embarrassed. I was taking over the counter pain medication 3-4 days a week for migraines that otherwise forced me to spend hours lying in a dark room and not able to study. In 2012, I was living the life of a full time graduate student and hit the breaking point. One morning, I looked in the mirror and decided I wasn't happy with my health or how I looked and decided to make a change.
It started slow.
I hit a lot of barriers and did some backsliding. New symptoms emerged as others dissipated and then those went away too.
Every struggle was worth it.
Four years later, I'm down 60 pounds and 10 pants sizes, I eat (mostly) clean (mostly paleo), and for the first time in my life I feel truly healthy. I'm still human; I have cheat days, I fall off of the fitness wagon, and I don't always take my own advice, but I have completely turned my life around from a path that would have lead to diabetes, heart disease, and other health problems. I have only had one bad allergy attack in the last 3 years and it was self-inflicted, otherwise my allergies are 99% gone, I have so much more energy, and I have fallen in love with aerobic activities. Cravings are almost non-existent and I have control over what I eat without feeling deprived or obsessive about it. I'm glad I went through all of this because I can tell you from the inside what it looks like, feels like, and what to do about it. Cutting out gluten and dairy was the best thing I have ever done for myself.
What I want you to take from this story is that you have the power to transform your life. It's not about making one massive change, the most successful way to do it is to make a series of small changes and to be consistent with them. No one can do it for you. However, when you make the decision to seize control over your habits you will not only improve your health but also find strength and empowerment within yourself.
What kind of transformation would you like to see? Let's see if we can get you there!
Yours in health,
Dr. Chelsea
In case you're a skeptic, here's some proof. The first photo is from 2012, the second from 2015 in my "fat pants" and the third from this morning in my (formerly) "skinny pants".