Thursday, February 18, 2016

Who doesn't love bread?

One of the complaints we hear most often when recommending a gluten free diet is that people have trouble giving up flour-based products such as bread, pasta, and baked sweets. On one hand, it is actually beneficial to decrease the amount of those products in your diet anyway, trading them for vegetables, fruit, nuts, and lean meats. However, if you absolutely have to grab a piece of toast now and then, you do have options.

As food sensitivities continue to rise in commonality, so does awareness and a demand for alternative products. We all know that where there is demand, a supply will be created, so POOF! all of a sudden you can find gluten free alternatives in your local grocery store. Some areas are better than others, but things are definitely getting better!

As common brands are expanding into the gluten free market, make sure you are actually purchasing the gluten free product. Most importantly, **READ THE LABEL!** Oats are contaminated with wheat in processing and MUST be labeled gluten free to be considered safe. Also, gluten free does not guarantee dairy free or soy free. If you are particularly sensitive, you may also have to watch out for Tapioca flour and Xantham gum. There may also be increased sugar content in these products to help with flavor.

Stumped where to find them? Check the freezer section. I leave my bread in the fridge and lightly toast a few slices if I'm making a sandwich or french toast, or fully toast them if true toast is what I'm after.

Some gluten free breads we love:
1. Homemade from scratch
2. Homemade from a mix such as Bob's Red Mill or King Arthur Flour
5. Rudi's
6. Udi's

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask! We are more than happy to discuss these options with you! Catch us in the office or shoot us an email at

Let me know what your favorites are and where you find them in your area!
Dr. Chelsea

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