Friday, June 24, 2016

Staff Bio Series: Dr. Chelsea

I grew up in a small town in Connecticut where my mom's stories from her job as an operating room nurse were what first inspired me to take a closer look at the human body. At 17, I was already committed to changing the world as a healthcare practitioner and at the time, it seemed the best way to do that would be as a pediatric surgeon. I had done some extensive shadowing in the medical field, including spending a day with my mom in the OR and had no idea what chiropractic was.

The first time I walked into the Frank Clinic that year, I had no idea it would set the stage for the rest of my life; my whole world turned upside down!

My uncle, Dr. Frank explained to me that chiropractors help the body heal itself from above, down, inside, out by removing interference to the communication between the brain and the body, primarily by way of adjusting the spine. No one had ever told me that the body could be helped to heal itself without invasive outside input and it completely shifted my focus. Why should I fight to fix almost irreparable insults to the body with the potential for catastrophic side effects when I could promote internal self-healing? I left knowing with deep certainty that this was to be my path. Two years later I was able to spend a summer off school at the University of Connecticut working at the Frank Clinic and fell in love with the culture of the office.

While I was in chiropractic school at Life University, I continued to follow my passion for pediatrics. I was fortunate to have the privilege to complete extensive coursework in prenatal and pediatric care, particularly for young children with neurodevelopmental issues like Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), and other neurological concerns, as well as completing my senior internship with Drew Rubin, D.C. D.A.C.C.P, my professor, clinical instructor, and instructor for the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA). I recently completed my Webster Technique Certification for pregnancy, in which I have already had training through my education, but now it's official (Dr. Frank and Dr. Holstein were already certified). Chiropractic care for infants and children looks very different than it does for adults, and often involves using the amount of pressure you would use to touch your eyelid. If you have any questions about chiropractic care for pregnancy and children, please never hesitate to ask, and know that children are always welcome in my office.

Outside of the office, I spend time painting, making jewelry, kayaking, hiking, practicing yoga, paleo diet blogging, and spending time with my grandma.

It has been a long journey to end up back at the Frank Clinic, but I feel like I am home here. The fact that up to 5 of my family members show up every day (including Dr. Holstein's daughters) helps, but also our incredible staff have made me truly feel welcome over the past year. Meeting patients, new and old, is a true blessing which I am so thankful for. If we haven't become acquainted yet, I look forward to it!

Wishing you health and happiness!
Dr. Chelsea

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